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RunKeeper Records


Every day is a 5K

Spring has sprung. Get up and go go go!!

Resilient body

Over the winter some time, my chiropractor told me, “if you don’t keep moving, you’ll end up in a wheel chair.” This bold statement spoken after looking at the arthritis on my spine. How did I handle said news? With an 8 week sabbatical from walking. Perhaps I’m not the sharpest knife in the drawer. [...]


So this winter, I successfully gained 10 pounds and completely regressed my physical condition. It could be worse I suppose. I am acutely aware that I have arthritis in my back – symptoms of which were less when I was exercising regularly. Hopefully, the pain will ease up as I get back into shape. When [...]

Week one. Not so horrible.

Week one wasn’t so horrible. I’ve gotten used to the track which alternates direction daily. Pandora works throughout most laps – it’s more stable than anything else on my phone. I decided that since I can’t track mileage cuz there’s crap for signal, I would redo the couch to 5k program, since the interval prompts [...]

Electronic Cigarettes

November of 2011 marked the last day of my tobacco smoking lifestyle. After a weird, brain shaking incident, I figured that it was probably time to cut the cord. I went on the hunt for an electronic cigarette. You see…I like smoking. I was wrangled into that addiction at a young age and held on [...]

First day at the gym.

Gyms are weird. I’m so painfully uncomfortable in them. All of my little psychoses kicked in to the point that I almost didn’t go at all. I’ve lost a bunch of weight but I’m far…far from being comfortable in my own skin. I changed clothes at work and headed over. I sat in the car [...]

How many calories was that??

So, it’s like this. I was going to figure out how many calories I ate yesterday. I sat down here a few minutes ago and calculated the calories in my date bread recipe. Much to my absolute shock, well… I basically ate an entire day’s worth of calories for breakfast yesterday. I had no idea. [...]

Happy Thanksgiving

I’d love to share some wisdomey insight with you but all I have to say is, “Do the best you can and we’ll see how it all turns out on Monday.”

I’m going to try to behave but…it’s thanksgiving and we’re the go-to house. Food is in abundance. I suppose it’d be interesting to count [...]