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RunKeeper Records


Couch to 5K program

First of all, 5K = 3.11 miles.

The couch to 5K program was developed by Cool Running. It is the…

“Beginner’s running schedule that has helped thousands of new runners get off the couch and onto the roads, running 3 miles in just two months.” (Cool Running)

I gave this program a try back during the first week of July 2012. I’d been walking 3 miles daily and sometimes just felt like I should run. I tried it on my own a couple times and as quoted on Cool Running’s site,

“Too many people have been turned off of running simply by trying to start off too fast. Their bodies rebel, and they wind up miserable, wondering why anyone would possibly want to do this to themselves.”

Ain’t that the truth. I’d heard of this program before so I thought I’d give it a try. It’s only 3 days/week. I figured I could just do my regular walking thing on the non c25k days. So, during July and August I worked my way through the program. When I finished, I was not running 3 miles but had gotten stuck at 2.5 miles. I’m soooo not complaining. I can run two and a half miles. LOL That’s ridiculous. I had never run anywhere except perhaps to the bathroom my entire adult life.

I did not repeat any weeks as the site suggested to do if you aren’t ready to move along to the next. Why? Because I felt like the program is designed to help you move forward whether you’re ready or not. Day one‘s were always tolerable  Day two‘s always sucked really bad and day three‘s were always pretty good to sometimes even awesome. So ready or not, I moved onto the next week. I would have never left week one if I waited until I felt ready to move on. I’ve found that this is the case with lots of people I’ve spoken with in different forums. Given permission to repeat weeks, they often stall out on a particular week, never move on or quit after a few tries.

I remember my first week. Omfg what a nightmare. I’d smoked for 30 years and by July, had only about 8 months of tobacco free lungs. I was gasping for air after every one minute jog. I had a wheeze that I think was in note form, about a B sharp.

I am now starting the whole thing over again to see if I can improve my performance and maybe reach the 5K in 30 minutes goal. I really want to. I just completed week one and wowzers, I did smashing compared to the first time. I’m looking forward to progressing through the program again with more knowledge and insight into what my body is doing.

Week 1: Brisk five-minute warm-up walk. Then alternate 60 seconds of jogging and 90 seconds of walking for a total of 20 minutes. Then another 5 minute cool down. It turns out to be 8 minutes of jogging. =)  Day three, was awesome and I beat a personal best.

Now, things you should know… when you visit cool running’s site, it looks like you have to pay for something. You don’t. They have the schedule right there on the link I gave above. What you CAN pay for is the app for your phone via – which I did. It was only a couple dollars…like maybe 2 or so. I don’t remember. Whats great about the app is that you don’t have to pay attention to your watch. A voice will tell you when to walk or jog. It’s quite lovely. I use the Sargent Block voice, which is a drill Sargent who yells at me to walk or jog. I dig that. I talk back to him from time to time.

No wonder people look at me weird when I’m out doing my thing in the morning.





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