Back in January when I started walking, I made it my business to go out almost every day. It was like, my mission. I felt like if I didn’t go out every day, or almost every day that I would quit. I was always a bit of a quitter – especially when things stopped being fun or I didn’t see results. Don’t quit. I know, this might be your umteenthhundred try at losing weight but just because you didn’t succeed before doesn’t mean you won’t now. You have to be proactive. Take control. Do what needs to be done, even if it means standing there crying in the middle of the road – own it. Make the pain your bitch. lol (whatever that means) However you were before doesn’t mean that’s how you are today. People change. You can change.
Don’t quit.
I couldn’t go out walking for 5 days last week because I jacked up my back. I was genuinely concerned about my ability to get back on the proverbial horse. I could feel my interest level dissipating. Monday morning came and I woke up at 5 to gauge my interest in going out. What I noticed was that my knees didn’t hurt. Um…this was a big deal. I have a basket of first aid supplies that I would have to spend some time with every morning. Patella straps, ace bandages, entire knee braces…all to go out walking every day.
I decided that instead of only walking this day, I would try my hand at the couch to 5k program once again. I cleared out “Week 1 Day 1″ from my history and started from scratch. Walk 5 minutes, run 1 minute walk 1.5 minutes and continue for 20 minutes and then walk 5 more minutes for a total of 8 minutes of jogging. It was amazing. I cannot recall a single day in the last 9 months that I had no knee pain. My body really needed that break. So Tuesday, I thought I’d go out and walk. I got about a half block from my house and felt my knees. Not really painful, but I was aware of my knees. Something told me to go home. I’m so glad I listened to myself because on Wednesday, once again, I did day 2 of the c25k and I had no pain!! I took today off and can’t wait to get out there and see what I can do tomorrow.
My overall time has improved something crazy. In fact, on Wednesday I had to take a little break mid run. Not because of any leg pain, but my lungs felt as if they were caving in. I hope that gets better as I get stronger. I’m looking forward to see how far I can take this second stab at c25k. Maybe I can actually get out of the 14 minute mile range?
Since I’ve now been informed of my osteoarthritis, I really need to try my best to be my best. I don’t want to be hunched over or in a wheel chair when I’m old. It’s such a big deal that I can now even imagine myself being old. A few months ago, that wasn’t the case. I was sure I would never become elderly. Now however, I feel as if I have no particular expiration date – so long as I keep trying to be better. Wait – I take that back. Trying isn’t enough. I have to keep progressing. That’s the mission…
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