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I have mentioned in past posts that for food tracking, I use Spark People. I am still technically a sparker – I track my measurements and weight progress in there. My history is with spark people and until there is a way to migrate information from SP to somewhere else, I reckon spark people owns [...]
I mentioned in the ‘get up and go’ page, that my first days of walking were horrific. Today, I went out for a leisurely stroll and retraced my steps using the Endomondo program. Turns out, I used to walk the .57 miles to the cafe where I would have some coffee and wait for the [...]
Inspiration in weird places: “I tried every diet in the book. I tried some that weren’t in the book. I tried eating the book. It tasted better than most of the diets.” – Dolly Parton
If at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking till you do suck seed. - 3 stooges
Hints & Tricks If you picked "Lose weight" as your new year resolution, are you still losing weight? I say BOO to new year resolutions. Resolutions can be made any time! So lets start a SPRING resolution to get healthy! Lets GO!
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